رحلة ما بين الآثار العثمانيه و البيزنطيه:(يوم كامل) 

Hagia Sophia: This ancient basilica ,built by Constantine the Great,in the 4th century and reconstructed by Justinian in the 16thcentury ,is one of the architectural marvels of all time.

Sultanahmet Mosque: One of the most famous monuments of the Turkish and Islamic World.
The Mosque built between the years 1609 and 1616 .The original name of this mosque is 1 Sultan Ahmet Mosque ,but it is also known as the <>owing to the glazed tiles decorating its interior.

Hippodrome: Center of sportive (Chariot races,Athletics) events and political activities of the old City.
Obelisk of Theodosius,Serpentine Column,German Fountain of Wilhem 2 are the monuments decorating Hippodrome.

Grand Covered Bazaar: The Grand Bazaar is the oldest and biggest closed bazaar of the World in the center of the city of Istanbul.The Grand Bazaar was founded in 1461.Like an enormous labyrinth,it is a spectacular and unique part of Istanbul with 60 streets and over 3600 stores in an area of 30,700 square meters .This site ,which resembles a city ,has grown and developed over time.It now includes five mosques ,seven fountains,one stream ,one public fountain,eighteen gates and forty public houses.

Topkapi Palace: The great palace of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th to the19th centuries.It was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultan for approximately 400 years.
( Treasury and Harem sections are not included in the program and are due to extra entry )

Little Hagia Sophia Mosque: Is known as one of the oldest standing churches in Istanbul dating back to 6 th century .It’s early domed –basililica architectural plan famous Hagia Sophia which was applied here first time in history.Temple is founded by powerful emperor Justinianos whose reign was golden age of Roman Empire and is used as a mosque since 1497

Tour Highlights

Destination Visit
 Hagia Sophia
 Sultanahmet Mosque
 Little Hagia Sophia Mosque
 Grand Covered Bazaar
 Sultanahmet Mosque


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